References - Emergency Department Waiting Times
References are listed alphabetically.
Australasian Triage Scale
Australasian College of Emergency Medicine ' Policy on the Australasian Triage Scale. Refer also to the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine ' Guidelines on the Implementation of the Australasian Triage Scale in Emergency Departments. According to these guidelines, where a patient in the ED has contact exclusively with nursing staff acting under clinical supervision of a doctor, it is the time of first nursing contact.
"other Australian hospitals"
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Clinical Indicator Program. Emergency Medicine Clinical Indicators 1.1 to 1.6. Australian Hospital rate taken from the most recent 6-month measurement period.
Waiting times at Northern Beaches Hospital are benchmarked against its peer group of NSW hospitals, based on data published by the Bureau of Health Information. Please note: For Triage Category 1 only , ACHS data is used (as above) as the Bureau does not collect this information.