References - Infection Rates
References are listed alphabetically. Please click on the relevant links for more information.
Australian Government target
Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing - National Healthcare Agreement (NHA) 2010 - The Productivity Commission (Dec 2009) Public and Private Hospitals Research Report, chapter 6: Hospital Acquired Infections
An infection is a disease caused by micro-organisms like viruses, fungi, bacteria or parasites. These micro-organisms are often called 'bugs' or 'germs'. Bacteria are the most common cause of hospital-acquired infection. For more information, see 'Better Health Channel'.
Hand Hygiene Information Factsheet
Infection Rate Formulas
Patients with SAB are coded in our computer system as ICD-10-AM Code U90.0. The Infection Control experts in each hospital also review pathology reports and medical records to ensure all cases are reported and followed up.
MRSA / MSSA rates
Graphs on the AIHW website show the proportion of MRSA versus MSSA in Australian hospitals.
National Hand Hygiene Initiative
"rate in Australian public hospitals"
The comparison rate for Australian public hospitals is based on the most recent report by the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare AIHW.
Staphylococcus aureus, or S. aureus, is a common bacterium that lives on the skin or in the nose. It is also called golden staph. In most situations, S. aureus is harmless. However, if it enters the body through a cut in the skin, it can cause a range of mild to severe infections, which in rare cases may cause death.