References - Mental Health Outcomes
References are listed alphabetically. Please click on the relevant links for more information.
HoNOS (Health of the Nation Outcome Scales) is made up of 12 simple scales, which measure the health and social functioning of people with mental illness. The scales are completed as part of the patient's routine clinical assessments at the time of admission and after a course of treatment or some other intervention. The pre and post treatment scores are then compared. Participating hospitals submit their data to the Private Mental Health Alliance's Centralised Data Management Service where the national average scores are determined. The HoNOS was developed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) specifically to measure outcomes in mental health services.
"Healthscope mental health facilities"
Healthscope-wide figures exclude Brisbane Private Hospital as their mental health facility is addiction-specific and therefore cannot be compared with other, generic mental health services.
The MHQ-14 questionnaire is also known as the Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire.
For a clinical reference on the MHQ-14, please click here.
"other private hospitals"
We benchmark against data provided by the Private Psychiatric Hospitals Data Reporting and Analysis Service (PPHDRAS) - Annual Statistical Report